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Fair and transparent payment for excavation and lining works


H. Ertl / M. Neuenschwander / J. Maclure

The FIDIC Emerald Book has been drafted with the aim of providing fair and balanced contracts for the underground industry. The excavation and lining works of a tunnel depend on the geological/geotechnical situation, which will be encountered during the execution. It is not possible to estimate the required quantities for the support beforehand and remuneration of the Contractor needs to be flexible to account for these uncertainties. In many tunnel contracts, it is a problem how cost for extension of time due to changed geology (or other circumstances not in the sphere of the Contractor) is compensated. It is a fact that the Contractor has higher costs when the execution of the project takes longer than indicated in the Contract and these costs should be paid to the Contractor. To facilitate these concepts the Emerald Book foresees different BoQ items for the excavation and lining works only, which cover Fixed-rate items, Time-related items and Quantity-related items. All other parts shall be covered in lump sums.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3