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EPB Tunnelling for the Riachuelo - Lot e 3 projectin Buenos Aires


A. Boscaro / Enrico Dal Negro / E. Barbero / A. Picchio / M. Martini

“Riachuelo - Lote 3” forms part of a massive hydraulic scheme being implemented in Buenos Aires to increase the sewage capacity of one of the biggest metropolitan areas worldwide. The overall scheme is intended to treat the wastewater and then discharge it into the “Rio de la Plata” river thereby relieving the “Riachuelo” river basin from its pollution. The project foresees the execution of a 50m deep underground chamber made from 4nr circular shafts interconnected with each other, plus a sub fluvial 4,3m ID outfall tunnel of 12km length and 34nr vertical diffusors to be executed along the last 1.5km of the tunnel. The sub-fluvial outfall tunnel bored using a 5.2m cut diameter EPB-TBM, represented one of the most critical challenges. The TBM had to face a series of geotechnical and hydrogeological complex conditions: very permeable soil below water table and at an EPB design pressure up to 4.5 bars. Furthermore, foaming agents with minimum environmental impact were to be preferred. This paper reports how the profitable cooperation between the Contractor and the MAPEI UTT international team allowed to manage all the project peculiarities and challenges in terms of precast segment production, soil conditioning and backfill grout.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3