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List of products by author: M. Martini

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 documents
  • Abstract: “Riachuelo - Lote 3” forms part of a massive hydraulic scheme being implemented in Buenos Aires to increase the sewage capacity of one of the biggest metropolitan areas worldwide. The overall scheme is intended to treat the wastewater and then discharge it into the “Rio de la Plata” river thereby relieving the “Riachuelo” river basin from its pollution. The project foresees the execution of a...

    0,00 €
  • Abstract: Pipejacking is a well-known technique that is traditionally adopted for horizontal and sub-horizontal applications. However, jacking pipe segments vertically and from inside an underwater tunnel, which was never made before, required the development of a new construction methodology. The method, known as “Riser Concept”, has been developed to build vertical risers by excavating and jacking...

    0,00 €
  • Abstract: The sewer outfall project Riachuelo Lote 3 (Argentina) includes a diffuser section where vertical risers are installed by applying an innovative construction method: the “Riser Concept”. The risers are jacked upward from inside the tunnel through an aperture within the tunnel segmental lining. To ensure verticality of the installed riser, precise positioning of the segmental ring that contains...

    0,00 €
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 documents