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The Schedule of Baselines: A BoQ for Measurement of Time under the Emerald Book


A. Marulanda / H. Ertl / M. Neuenschwander

The new FIDIC-ITA Form of Contract for Underground Works (the Emerald Book) is based upon a balanced allocation of ground related risks to each party. It includes a provision for measuring the time available to the Contractor for Excavation and Lining, based upon the conditions of the ground mass and upon its reaction to the excavation and support. The instrument for comparing the time according to conditions described in the Geotechnical Baseline Report and the encountered conditions during excavation is called “Schedule of Baselines”: it provides a quantification of the excavation and lining to be carried out in different ground conditions, including hindrances such as seepage, boulders, man-made obstacles, interruptions not due to the Contractor, etc., and so it works as a “Bill of Quantities for construction time”. The Time for Completion shall be adjusted according to the difference between the quantities of different ground conditions agreed under the contract, and those measured during excavation and lining – as long as the relevant works lie on the critical path of any Milestone, Section or the Works. This paper illustrates the structure, use and limits of the Schedule of Baselines.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia