In the past showed, that underground facilities are considered as less susceptible on seismic loading or on earthquakes, especially if we compare them with the construction facilities at the surface, but the associated risk may be high, since even a low level of damage may affect the serviceability of a wide network [1]. Because of the geometrical and material complexity of the soil-structures system and the presence of seismic waves, numerical methods should be used to reliably study the seismic resistance of the underground facilities [7]. Experiments and observations from real cases in the past have shown that the tunnels have very different seismic response if we compare them with the surface facilities and they do not respond in resonance with the ground motion, but rather correspondently with the response of the surrounding soil [7]. A comprehensive seismic case analysis includes simultaneous modelling of the seismic source, the dissemination track, prediction of geological conditions near the facility and the soil-structure interaction [1]. Comparing the seismic behaviour from the underground facilities and the surface facilities is the seismic behaviour from underground facilities different because of the next main parameters [4]: Their complete enclosure in soil and rock Their significant length, for example the tunnels. So far, a careful review of the seismic damages which occurred on the underground facilities presents that the most tunnels were located in the nearness of causative faults [1]. The seismic analysis of underground facilities is a complex work, and it means the interaction with few different disciplines which are soil, rock and structural dynamics, structural geology, seismotectonics and engineering seismology [1]. Underground facilities were always mostly treated with a good resistant on earthquakes and seismic loading, therefore there are not a lot of considering on this field [1]. Damage of underground facilities because of the seismic loading can be consequence of the following phenomenon [1]: •earthquakes •rock bursts