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Risk Analysis Applicable to Shield TBM Tunnels


K. C. Hyun / I. M. Lee / J. Park / S. W. Lee

In this paper, the potential risk of undesirable events that may occur during tunnelling work with a Shield TBM method is discussed along with the general risk analysis that can systematically assess overall risk levels. Potential risks and typical scenarios pertaining to shield TBM tunnels have been investigated based on previous case histories and correspondence with experts. The relevant risks of undesirable events were categorized into four groups and a set of Fault Tree was constructed. In addition, in this paper, the risk analysis adopting FTA (fault tree analysis) and AHP (analytic hierachy process) with the consideration of the probability and impact of the risks was performed. The proposed method could be used to support decision making during design and construction with the aim of trying to avoid most of the undesirable events.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil