The construction and modification of tunnels brings a requirement for precise measurement of convergence and divergence to safeguard the structure, maintain safety and provide the assurance needed to maintain efficient progress. Established methods include manual measurement using tape extensometers and automated methods using photogrammetry and automated total stations. Drawbacks include the need for frequent access, power supply, cabling, and cost. The paper describes how the development of reliable optical displacement sensors (ODS) has changed the landscape. ODS sensors are connected to a long-range wireless mesh communications network via a solar-powered gateway outside the tunnel, with data instantly transmitted to the internet. A sensor and its reflector target can be installed in 20 minutes and is almost maintenance free for a decade. Tunnel movement is measured to sub-millimetre precision with repeatability of ± 0.15mm. Integration of a triaxial tilt sensor allows slope distance to be converted to horizontal and vertical changes and allows rotational movement to be determined. Applications include new-build and long-term structural health monitoring. Case studies will be given, including the refurbishment of rail tunnels in Spain where the ODS measured movement during track lowering in a situation where no other automated system was considered viable.