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Re-use of tunnel recycled water for the TBM backfilling grout using a stabilizing

Re-use of tunnel recycled water for the TBM backfilling grout using a stabilizing


A. Boscaro / E. Barbero / A. Picchio / E. Dal Ne Gro / M. Masci

Mechanized tunneling operations require a high amount of water for different purposes. Most of the water is used for the cooling system of the TBM. Secondary uses of water are for the plants and machinery maintenance, segments intrados before assembly, mucking system and TBM shield cleaning. This secondary water is generally transported through a dewatering system up to a water treatment plant, then re-introduced into the external environment. Water treatment requires specific plants and chemicals that work on a range of water parameters periodically adjusted. This may cause the re-introduction of water into the environment not always equal to its natural state. To reduce the amount of plants, chemicals and the introduction of altered water into the environment, the re-use of waters into the A-component of the bi-component TBM backfill grout represents a concrete possibility. The chemical characteristics of the recycled waters do not allow the use of the sole bentonite as stabilizer. For this reason, the R&D laboratory of Mapei has developed an innovative stabilizing polymer to produce a stable A-component using recycled water. A successful site application has been carried out at Brenner Basis Tunnel jobsite. The results of the testing and application phase are described and discussed.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3