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Finite elements analysis of bored tunnelsusing contraction rate method - The


M. Ferrari / H. Karam / L. Caron / M. Zampieri A / I. Przybylowski / A. Caporali / A. Puliti

Tunnel design requires increasingly numerical analysis in order to provide densely scattered predictions about settlements along the project. For this reason, simple but reliable methods should be used. Contraction rate method meets the requirements: a low number of parameters is necessary and analysis can be made in only one calculation phase. These parameters depend on the geotechnical characteristics of the ground, the type of tunnel boring machine, excavation methods and conditions, and their estimation is essential. This method has been used by our team to design some fifty kilometres of tunnels in the Paris Basin. These tunnels are completed or under construction at the present time. Hence, an assessment of the validity of this method and a detailed estimation of the values of the contraction rate which could be used in different situations and conditions could be applied to future projects in Paris area. The approach presented in this paper could also be used in the future for projects in other geological regions. At first, similarities to previous case studies should be identified; then, a detailed estimation based on feedback could be made.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3