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Emerald Book applications - The adjustment of time


D. Fabbri / D. Merlini / H. Ertl / Matthias Neuenschwander

The Emerald Book includes a provision for adjustment of time, in addition to current contract standards that only foresee extension of time for completion. Having been published in 2019, at present there are no direct experiences of contracts under the Emerald Book. However, in various national contexts the adjustment of time is being applied in contracts similar to the new FIDIC Form of Contracts for Underground Works. This contribution presents the use and application of the Schedule of Baselines through a straightforward example. Three cases where the adjustment of time principle has been recently applied shall be presented orally: an example of a drill & blast excavation, an example of TBM excavation with precast segment lining, and an example of loose ground excavation with forepoling support.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3