At its southernmost point, the Brenner Base Tunnel crosses the Isarco valley and its river Isarco. The alpine valley is filled with saturated alluvial deposits and debris flow. The groundwater flow in the unconfined aquifer is roughly parallel to the main valley with some major lateral inflows. The river Isarco is in some sections in hydraulic contact with the groundwater, in some sections due to its low hydraulic conductivity of its riverbeds several meters above the groundwater table. Several investigations phases and hydrogeological numeric modelling studies were carried out during the different project stages. The major aims for the calibrated models during the planning and tendering stages are the evaluation of the hydraulic conditions in different parts of the project area, quantifying the hydraulic interaction between river Isarco and the unconfined aquifer, the simulation of the hydraulic impact of the tunnel system on the groundwater flow and the optimization of the groundwater management system (number of wells and pumping rates). During construction the hydrogeological numerical models were updated in order to evaluate the effects of the works on the hydrogeological system. Mayor model outputs are described.