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Abstract: At its southernmost point, the Brenner Base Tunnel crosses the Isarco valley and its river Isarco. The alpine valley is filled with saturated alluvial deposits and debris flow. The groundwater flow in the unconfined aquifer is roughly parallel to the main valley with some major lateral inflows. The river Isarco is in some sections in hydraulic contact with the groundwater, in some sections due...
Abstract: The production of a tunnel, defined as the ratio between excavation length and the relevant time, as is known, is closely related to the existing state of stress on site, to the type of rock mass and to its structure, i.e., more generally, to its quality. High rock mass quality gives higher productions, while poor rock mass quality leads to have low production, with a law that does not have...
Abstract: The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) runs for 64 km between Austria and Italy, making it the longest underground railway tunnel in the world. The BBT consists of two single-track tubes, cross passages every 333 m, an exploratory tunnel, and three emergency stops. The planning is underway since 1999, and construction began in 2007. More than half of a total 230 km of tunnel construction including 80%...