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Brenner Base Tunnel, Italian Side, Lot Mules 2-3: Monitoring, Surveys, Investigations and Checks during Construction

Brenner Base Tunnel, Italian Side, Lot Mules 2-3: Monitoring, Surveys, Investigations and Checks during Construction


E. Maria Pizzarotti / M. Rivoltini / M. Moja / S. Bellini / A. Voza

Lot Mules 2-3 is the main segment of BBT (Brenner Base Tunnel) on Italian Side. The paper illustrates the activities forecasted in Detailed Design (performed by the Designer Joint Venture: Pro Iter – leader, Pöyry Schweiz, Pini Swiss Engineers and Pasquali Rausa Engineering) and carried out during construction, to compare the design assumptions to the actual behavior of both the rock mass and the confining structures, such as monitoring, surveys, investigations and checks. In fact, in a project of such complexity, only the daily update of the monitoring data and the association between them and the undertaken counter-actions during advancement, enable the work to be developed under a continuous and careful risk control.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia