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ADECO and NATM comparison: the case of Višňové Tunnel


G. Lunardi / G. Cassani / M. Gatti / G. Lodigiani

The paper presents the application of the “A.DE.CO-RS Approach” for the construction of “Višňové Tunnel” in D1 Motorway. It is a double lane tunnel of the D1 Motorway “Lietavská Lúčka – Višňové – Dubná Skala”, about 7450 m length. It’s located in the Žilina district of Slovakia. In a Yellow FIDIC contract, the JV Salini Impregilo–DUHA proposed to the Client a variation of the excavation approach from N.A.T.M. to A.DE.CO-RS. Tunnels excavation had started with NATM in April 2015 and after that, in September 2015, the application of A.DE.CO-RS begun. The A.DE.CO-RS Approch increased in few months the average face production from 45 m/month up to 70 m/month that, thanks to the industrialization of the excavation process, has reached the maximum of 130-180 m/month for face, to reduce, as a consequence of a worsening of the geomechanical context, to 80-110 m/month. Today about 6 km of tunnels have been excavated, mainly with the A.DE.CO-RS Approach. The “full-face” approach showed good production rate, much better on respect to the N.A.T.M. system.The main feature of the A.DE.CO-RS approach is that the design Engineer focuses primarily on the deformation response of the ground to the action of excavation. This deformation response is first analysed and predicted, starting ahead of the face and using a variety of instruments (full scale and laboratory tests, mathematical models), then it is controlled by using appropriate stabilisation measures. As a consequence, the approach controls the deformation response acting first and foremost ahead of the face, using pre-confinement action, and not just ordinary confinement action as in traditional approaches. In this way the A.DE.CO-RS approach is able to successfully tackle any type of ground and stressstrain conditions, especially in difficult ground. Conventional Excavation Method, N.A.T.M, A.DE.CO-RS, Design Method, Construction Method, Full Face Excavation.Construction of a new stretch of dual-carriage motorway, approximately 13.5 km in length and running past Lietavská Lúčka, Višňové and Dubná Skala in the Žilina region (Žilinský kraj) of northern Slovakia, is now under way. The section forms part of the D1 motorway, which is to link Bratislava with the Slovak-Ukranian border via Žilina and Košice, creating a southern bypass around Žilina.The new Lietavská Lúčka–Višňové–Dubná Skala section of the D1 built under the project connects the Hričovské Podhradie–Lietavská Lúčka and Višňové–Dubná Skala sections.

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Year 2018
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates