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Application of an Electric Rock Breaking method to mitigate vibration during tunnel blasting

Application of an Electric Rock Breaking method to mitigate vibration during tunnel blasting


J. S. Lee / S. K. Ahn / K. W. Lee / S. H. Hwang

Vibration mitigation of a drill and blast excavation is one of the main issues in urban tunneling, and various preventive techniques have been tried so far. A pre-cut excavation method introduced in Lee, . (2016) is an alternative to reduce the blasting vibration although the preparation time of the additional cut should be shortened in field application. Another technique was investigated in this study using an (ERB) method in which pre-splitting along the perimeter of the tunnel face was made by a high voltage pulse. For this, a wave equation due to the electric pulse was introduced, and numerical as well as analytical solutions were considered to better understand the physical behavior of ERB. It was found that rock splitting using a high voltage could be used to reduce the vibration from tunnel blasting, and a brief outline on future work was highlighted.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway