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An integrated design approach for the design of segmental tunnel lining in an EPB-Shield driven tunnel-A case study in Iran: Ahwaz Metro Project


M. Pescara / R. Osgoui

This paper is intended to present an integrated design approach to provide a flexible design of pre-cast segmental lining in terms of the quantity of steel reinforcements for an EPB (Earth Pressure Balanced Shield) driven tunnel in urban area. The integrated design approach is based on Analytical Solution, Bedded-Spring Method, and Numerical Analysis. In this way, the solicitations obtained by different methods have been compared in such a way as to consider the variability in membrane forces, for which the structural verifications should be satisfied. In addition, the reliability of the integrated method is rationally high due to structural examination by different methods. The case to be analyzed by proposed integrated design approach was metro project of Ahwaz, a big city in the Southwest of Iran. The membrane forces in the segmental lining have been analyzed by proposed method and a quite good tendency in results was observed.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil