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The Italian approach for the design and the excavation of conventional tunnels: the case of the “Fabriano” tunnel


S. Fuoco / A. Oss / P. Cucino / L. Schiavinato / A. Pigorini

This paper shows the results of the analysis of the data acquired during the excavation of the new “Fabriano” Tunnel along the railway line from Rome to Ancona in Italy. The comparison between the results of the analyses and the consolidation system used for the excavation, gives an indication about the relationship which links the method of excavation commonly used today in Italy for conventional Tunnels, and the responses of the excavated rock mass. The application of the method spans, from competent rock mass to "not self supporting" soils and provides an industrial cyclic process for the execution of tunnels. It defines different typologies of consolidation systems that shall be used along the tunnel, based on a full face excavation and on the construction of a final lining generally close to the tunnel face. The approach has been used to excavate the “Fabriano” tunnel, which is here taken as an example for the application of the methodology.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil