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A special case of Interface between TBM Tunnel and underground station


F. Valdemarin / E. Chiriotti / B. Hernandez / H. Lam

The city of Baku, Azerbaijan, has experienced a strong economic growth over the past decade. The actual metro network consists of two lines, the red line consisting of 13 stations, and the green line with 10 stations. Due to the high and increasing volume of passengers, the existing metro lines have reached its capacity limits, and major development plan to extend the metro network was launched in 2011. It consists in the creation of three new lines (Purple, Blue and Yellow) and extending the two existing ones. The development plan consists of five lines with a total of 119 km. The joint venture SYSTRA (leader), MOTT MACDONALD and SAMAN was awarded the detail design of two new lines: the purple line (consisting of 24 km of line including 12 underground stations and a depot) and the blue line (consisting of 19 km of line including 11 underground stations and a depot).

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia