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Disc Cutter Load Monitoring System - DCLM

Disc Cutter Load Monitoring System - DCLM


R. Galler / S. Barwart / C. Himmelsbach

The DRAGON project (Development of Resource-efficient and Advanced Underground Technologies) is intended to improve resource efficiency in tunnelling processes by providing the excavated material as a raw material. The physical characterisation of excavated material can be detected by measuring the disc force. Entacher (2013) has shown that geological conditions in front of the cutterhead can be described with the disc cutter force characteristics. These developments should lead to a better understanding of the relationship between wear, rock/rock mass strength, geology and cutting force and will bring the mechanised tunnelling a step forward. For this purpose, Herrenknecht AG and the Montanuniversität Leoben are working on various methods for measuring the cutting force on discs while the machine is boring. [1, 2]

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia