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Advances on the design of SFRC subjected to concentrated loads


A. de la Fuente / S. Cavalaro / A. Aguado / L. Liao

The advance of a TBM during the excavation process is guaranteed by means of the thrust of the jacks over the last placed ring, which acts as a reaction frame. These loads generate bursting stresses that might crack the precast segments during this phase. In this regard, the width of these cracks usually reduces once the soil pressure is applied; however, sometimes these cracks can lead to the local failure of the segment and, consequently, repairs and cost increases. Many studies in which this phenomenon is evaluated have been presented, mainly focused on elements with similar height-to-length ratios. In order to cover the wide variety of dimensions and load application patterns, additional experimental assessments are required. The goal of this research work is twofold: (1) to extend the study of different height-to-length ratios concrete blocks (reinforced with steel fibres) subjected to concentrated loads and (2) to validate analytical formulations for the verification of these elements in SLS and ULS. This scientific contribution consists of a summary of research paper under review [1] and written by the same authors.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia