The evaluation of the variability of the civil works duration and cost for the realisation of a tunnel is a determinant factor in choosing the optimal project planning and configuration alternative. The design, construction and operation of tunnels is associated with risks due to a lack of geotechnical information, the severity of a wrong construction choice, and the consequences that an accident can have during the construction and operation phases of such a project. Financing institutions, insurance agencies, and concessionaires involved in the construction and operation of tunnels require from the designer an explicit assessment of the risks during the life of such projects [1]. It is therefore essential to manage the uncertainties related to ground conditions and construction methods. That's why a software package called Decision Aids for Tunnelling (DAT) has been developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [2] and at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) [3]. After quantification of the risks associated with both ground conditions and construction method, by probabilistic calculations, the DAT computes the induced construction time and the cost uncertainties. This software has been successfully used especially for the design phases of long alpine tunnels (base tunnels of Loetschberg [4], Gotthard [3] and of the international part of the future Lyon-Turin railway [5]) and more punctually for the construction phase (cost actualisation). Thanks to the NeTTUN Project, the capacity of the DAT software is being improved and its application field enlarged.