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Influence of corroded segment joint on strength of shield tunnel


K. Tsuno / T. Ushida / T. Nakayama

There are some cases where shield tunnels are distorted because of the wide-area ground settle-ment caused by consolidation of surrounding soft clayey ground, adjacent construction and others. To properly maintain the shield tunnels, it is desirable to predict the magnitude of distortion and consider the necessity of measures. Corrosion of segment joints caused by chloride attack is observed in some shield tunnels located under tidal river or near seacoast. Although the corrosion of segment joints may reduce the stiff-ness and strength of shield tunnels, there is little knowledge about how to take into account the influence of it on the mechanical behaviour of shield tunnels. It may be appropriate to take into account this influence when a shield tunnel is located under salt corroding environment and de-formed. This research, therefore, investigate the influence of salt corrosion on the mechanical be-haviour of shield tunnels as well as the 3-D calculation method to evaluate the longitudinal behav-iour of shield tunnels. Segments with joints under salt corroding environment are observed by means of salt spray tests developed in this research. Flexural loading tests with corroded segment joints are carried out, and a modelling approach of corroded segment joint is investigated based on the tests. Numerical cal-culation with 3-D FE analysis is also carried out to grasp the longitudinal behaviour of shield tun-nels. The calculation method is verified by the comparison with conventional beam-spring model.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia