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Two tunnel types with low soft overburden under horizontal stress


H. C. Rocha / C. H. Turolla Maia / B. Ring

The alignment of Lot 7 of Sao Paulo’s Metro Line 5 tunnel is 5.75 km long and comprises 6 stations. The double track tunnel is constructed by means of an EPB-shield with an excavation diameter of 10.58 m. A detailed description of the project can be found in Along the alignment a turnover-structure originally named Olimpico is located. This structure is built as a cut & cover box with diaphragm-walls, which are stiffened with three levels of permanent concrete struts and temporary anchoring in two levels. To both ends of the box jet-grouted blocks are located for the arrival of the TBM and its start from the box. Entering and exiting the turnout structure the alignment of the TBM-tunnel for a short stretch runs close to a dead-end shotcrete-tunnel, which will later incorporate a parking track for trains. The southern part of this situation with the two tunnels and the turnover-box is shown in the ground view in Figure 1 left. Figure 1: Olimpico, southern part: ground view (left) and longitudinal geotechnical section (right)

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia