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Tunnel climate -   challenge during the Brenner Base Tunnel construction

Tunnel climate - challenge during the Brenner Base Tunnel construction


A. Busslinger / R. Insam

The BBT represents the key element of the planed railway link between Munich and Verona and therefore of the European high performance railway network (cf. Fig. 1). With its length of more than 55 km (64 km including all existing tunnel connections) this tunnel system will be amongst the world’s longest traffic tunnels (cf. Fig. 2). The project consists in the excavation, lining and installation of railway equipment of 124 km of single track tunnels (2 main tunnels as well as 4 connector tubes), about 60 km of exploratory tunnel (future drainage tunnel), 3 emergency stop stations, 170 cross passages and a great number of technical caverns, access and rescue tunnels. Since construction of the BBT will last over several years and many of the underground construction sites stretch across more than 10 km a sophisticated design of the temporary ventilation and cooling systems is inevitable. To date construction of main tunnel tubes and exploratory tunnel in northern (Tulfes to Pfons) as well as southern lots (Mules) and of the access tunnel Wolf is underway. Additionally the executive civil design of the base tunnel is being prepared.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia