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Inner lining concept for the Stockholm Bypass


M. Roslin / T. Dalmalm / P. Vedin

The Stockholm bypass will be situated west of Stockholm city center to decrease the north-south road traffic through Stockholm. The bypass consists of more than 50 km of rock tunnels which will be cement grouted to fulfill the ingress demands. In addition to the grouting an inner lining will be installed to protect from ice formations, which in cold countries are common in tunnels and can result in high maintenance costs. For tunnels with high traffic intensity, time for ice removing is very limited and different kinds of ice protection linings are preferably installed. During the last decades different kinds of ice protection linings have been installedin Swedish rock tunnels and experiences from them have formed the latest concept which will be installed in the Stockholm bypass. This article presents experiences from already installed linings and the latest concept which will be installed in the Stockholm bypass.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil