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Bi-layer diaphragm walls: theoretical and experimental analysis of debonding risk


L. Segura-Castillo / A. Aguado / A. Josa

The bi-layer diaphragm walls, presented in this work, are made of two layers: the first one, a conventional concrete diaphragm wall, and the second one, a steel fibre reinforced concrete layer sprayed over the first one. A main objective of the research project is to maximize the functions of the second layer, assigning simultaneously a structural and a waterproof responsibility. The objectives of the present paper are: (a) evaluate the shear stresses between layers produced in experimental walls and; (b) analyze the influence of rheological factors (shrinkage and creep) in the time-related behaviour of the elements. It is shown that the bond between concretes in the studied wall has enough strength to withhold the shear stresses (with a safety factor of around 4), being the stresses produced by shrinkage the main component of the total ones.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil