The Kargi hydroelectric power plant consists of an earth dam approximately 500 meters long and the intake to the power plant in its northern end. An 11.8 km tunnel is being currently excavated from the intake and northwards. A double shield TBM of 9.84 m diameter is being working in the Northern Tunnel. The geology consists of Eocene aged Beynamaz volcanics mainly of agglomerate, andesite, basalt and tuff and 2500 m Kiraztasi-Kargi ophiolites and graphitic schist. Due to geological difficulties TBM stuck several times and galleries were opened in different places and in order reach to predetermined job duration time it is decided to open another tunnel from other part of the tunnel line with drill and blast method. This paper summarized the causes and the effect of TBM jamming. It is also explained how the thrust and torque values changed in critical area in order to explain the mechanism of TBM jamming