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Evaluation of mechanical characteristics of inhomogeneous ground by using back analysis procedure


Y. Okazaki / H. Kumasaka / M. Shinji

This study discusses the variation of the average modulus of elasticity arising out of the inhomogeneity of ground mass. Numerical analyses of tunnel excavation in the ground with statistically distributed inhomogeneous materials are carried out. The displacements of extensometer measurements during tunnel excavation on numerical simulation were collected. Back analysis by using extensometer measurements was then carried out. The modulus of elasticity and initial stresses assuming a homogeneous ground mass by back analysis were compared with the average modulus of elasticity of the original numerical model. It was shown that the inhomogeneity of ground mass affects the area of excavation. The distribution of initial stress and material properties changed from initial parameters of numerical analysis. If the homogeneous size is less than 10% the diameter of tunnel, the inhomogeneous ground mass can be treated as a continuum material.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil