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Large Urban Tunnels: A Proposal for Environmental Management

Large Urban Tunnels: A Proposal for Environmental Management


J. Miyamoto / J. Kós

Aiming to establish an initial proposal for an environmental and operational management protocol for large urban tunnels, one that could be applied nationwide, this study also intends to systematize, through a multidisciplinary approach, the state of the art on the subject. In this survey it will be given particular attention to vehicular urban tunnels. Due to its physical and spatial characteristics they are especially dangerous and toxic to both their users and employees involved in maintenance. Given the lack of systematic and specific bibliographic material in Brazil it was necessary to inquire about references, studies and investigations developed in other countries. A critical compilation of such data, standards and benchmarks, while in its initial level, considering the Brazilian context and the actual legal instruments, may reflect the original feature of this essay.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil