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Prerequisite Tasks for Construction of Deep Underground Road in Korea: Part 2. Fire protection, ventilation in tunnel and underground road


C. Y. Kim / W. K. Yoo / X. M. Zheng / J. H. Kim / Y. W. Chun / S. K. Lee / J. H. Park

Because of insufficient spaces for road facilities, traffic congestion at a dangerous level, negative views to construction environment and soaring land price in metropolitan areas, coupled with developed excavation and tunneling technologies, needs for building deep underground roads have been increasingly growing. Korea has been planned or designed the construction: for example U-Smartway was planned moreover Jemulpo Tunnel and Seobu Expressway is under actual design. However, very few specific design criteria for deep underground road are available, except standardized design criteria. This study attempts to evaluate the rule of fire protection and ventilation in standard tunnel and Domestic research cases of tunnel and underground road are strongly regulated for the particular reasons and about progression of construction sites. As a result, this suggests the revision of deep underground road criteria.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil