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Utilization of building information modelling (BIM) for tunneling and infrastructure development


Ø. Engelstad

Building information modeling (BIM) has after a slow start become an integrated part of planning, design and construction also in large infrastructure projects involving tunnels. In the Vamma 12 and Nedre Otta Hydropower Projects, the plants are constructed without 2D drawing, but based directly on 3D models enriched with production critical information, namely BIM. BIM is helping to ensure good coordination and information exchange between all parties in the project. For tunnels and underground facilities, data from the BIM is used directly to operate the jumbos and TBMs. Further data both automatically (scanning, bore logs, NWD etc) and manually (surveying, photography, etc.) collected, and fed back into the BIM for ongoing assessments and adjustments, and form basis for "as built” documentation and support the asset management of the finished facility. BIM helps to change the work process to ensure good productivity and right quality.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway