This paper will present the Ryfast project. Ryfast is located in Stavanger in the western part of Norway and is one of the largest ongoing tunnelling-projects in Norway. The aim of the project is to improve the traffic situation in the region and create a ferry free connection between the city of Stavanger and the region of Ryfylke. The construction work started in 2013, and the project has an anticipated opening date by the end of 2019. The cost of the project is about 9 billion NOK. Ryfast contains more than 50 km of tunnels, including 40 km of sub-sea tunnels and 11 km of tunnels under the city. It also includes road construction and several bridges and culverts. The project is split into four large tunnelling contracts and a total of 800 workers are on site. At the moment all the contracts are ongoing, and challenges varying from water-leakage, bad rock conditions, low-overburden and technical details to environmental issues like pollution, vibrations, noise and dust are to be dealt with every day.