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MWD parameters and Drilling Control system


J. Navarro / J. A. Sanchidrián / P. Segarra / R. Castedo / L. M. López. / R. Cienfuegos

Drill monitoring systems use sensors installed along the drill string to provide digital signals that measure the performance of the drilling machine. Drill parameters are automatically adjusted by a control system in order to optimize the operation. Understanding their mutual relations and how the drilling machine controls them is required for a proper rock mass characterization. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between Measuring While Drilling (MWD) parameters and the influence of rock mass condition in their response. Auto-correlation and cross-correlation studies of MWD from four drilling machines, working on two different rock types, have been carried out. From the results, a complete interpretation of the behavior of the drilling machine control system is obtained. From it, the feed pressure seems to be the preset parameter used for the adjustment of the control system and thus, the one influenced by variations in the rock mass.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway