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A Study on Advanced Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Lining for Expressway Tunnels

A Study on Advanced Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Lining for Expressway Tunnels


Akio Kamitani / Kiyoto Nakano / Tetsuya Yamazaki / Shigeru Mastuoka / Yoshiyuki Shigeta

Inspections of tunnels managed by East Japan/Central Japan/West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. are regulated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Road Bureau's Road Tunnel Regular Inspection Guideline, which was revised in February 2019. This revision introduced an advanced scheme for inspecting lining surfaces of unreinforced concrete in tunnels by making them a twofold process. First, screening of the lining surface is done by a video taken by a camera mounted on a vehicle to check for cracks. Then, areas with visible cracks are selected for further close-up visual and hammering inspection. However, areas such as the entrance, small overburdens, and reinforced concrete lining implemented as countermeasures for external forces still need to be inspected in the conventional way, i.e., by human in proximity. To advance inspections and improve productivity, this study applied the inspection method for unreinforced concrete lining to areas where conventional inspection methods are required, as to verify its effectiveness.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3