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New Two tunnels’ design in the Italian Apennine in land slide and rock fall areas

Two tunnels’ design in the Italian Apennine in land slide and rock fall areas


A. Oss / P. Cucino / L. Schiavinato

The two tunnels along the "Bocco’s variant" (“Del Bocco” and “Mulino del Vaglio”) in the Apennine area of Emilia Romagna (Italy) are characterized by a series of aspects, as the presence of several landslides and the need to recover of structures built in the past. The low-overburden excavation condition for the “Bocco” tunnel needed the execution of additional investigations to landslide behaviour’s identification and the interaction with the underground and portals excavations, also with deep drainage by small diameter shaft chain to avoid long-term problems and the tunnel durability. The “Vaglio” tunnel had a north portal rock portal with complicated morphology which requested to change the conventional approach to the natural tunnel excavation by means of the execution of a partial “cripple” portal, and the south portal which asked for the integration of works carried out about 20 years earlier for a road alignment not coinciding with the new road.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3