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Tunnel Construction under Important Traffic based on Real-timeMonitoring


T. Ono / H. Takahara / T. Miyazaki / Y. Imaji / H. Suzuki / T. Yoshino / H. Maniwa / K. Yamaguchi

The Kaga Tunnel of Hokuriku Shinkansen is a tunnel with a length of approximately 5.5 km, being constructed between Ishikawa Prefecture and Fukui Prefecture by the conventional method. The major challenge in the middle area of the Kaga Tunnel is to construct under important traffic structures which are crossing to the tunnel, such as "Route 8" (National Road), "Hokuriku Railway" (main railway), and "Expressway E8", with shallow overburden less than 20m. For safety purpose it was required to consult three major traffic administrators on monitoring and construction methods, and they required that no disruption to traffic was acceptable. This paper covers preliminary FEM analysis, real-time monitoring of ground surface, its control reference value, and auxiliary methods based on monitoring results.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3