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Surface Monitoring of Tunnel Faces and Improvement of Face Work Safety by ICT

Surface Monitoring of Tunnel Faces and Improvement of Face Work Safety by ICT


S. Akutagawa / M. Hayashi / H. Sato / Y. Hashimura

We report a method to assist in monitoring the working face in mountain tunnel construction by applying information and communication technology (ICT) to the measurements. The whole working face was monitored from the three-dimensional point group data provided by laser measurements of the surface. Technology which assists the monitoring supervisor in assessing the working face by the face was developed. By superimposing the displacement contours on the working face image, the displacement situation of the working face can be assessed in real time. When the system detected danger, helmet of any worker at the working face vibrated to alert them to the situation. The face surface at the mesh position corresponding to the danger was irradiated with a green laser. The displacement situation of the working face was displayed on a monitor that could be viewed from the heavy machine driver’s seat. Data transferred to the cloud could be assessed in real time on PCs, tablets, or in heavy tunnel machines. The information was shared amongst all personnel involved in the construction.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3