Segmented tunnels are designed to take into account the nearly isotropic pressure from the ground excavated by the TBM. However, the tail of the TBM pressurizing the segmental ring during TBM advance can create additional loads that can cause segments damage and collapse of the entire structure. Therefore, it is necessary to design safe segments according to various conditions. In this study, a miniature segmental model was fabricated and subjected to anisotropic pressurizing and un-pressurizing from the circular direction of the segment in order to understand the effect of additional loading. The behavior of each segment was evaluated based on the performance curves developed from the experimental results. As a result, it was found that the M-N behavior exceeded the failure limit and the segment could be damaged when it was subjected to anisotropic pressurizing and un-pressurizing. In addition, it was found that the bending moment of not only the segment subjected to the anisotropic pressurizing and un-pressurizing but also the adjacent segments increased.