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Lesson Learned During the EPB TBM Launch Using Umbilical and Muck Pump


R. Aliberti / D. Nebbia / F. Solesin

The launch of a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is one of the most challenging activity parts of the construction of a tunnel. Challenges are coming from limited space available, learning curve, concurrence of other activities and in some cases from the geological conditions. Launching a TBM is an extraordinary and complicated operation requiring a great level of planning. The Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) TBM named “Chris” was successfully launched for the Northeast Boundary Tunnel, the largest component of the Clean Rivers Project in Washington, DC. Due to space and time constraints, the 8-meter diameter TBM was launched from a single 20-meter diameter shaft, with a 30-meter-long tail tunnel by means of umbilical connections. This paper presents the steps followed during the TBM assembly and launching to complete the excavation of the initial drive of the tunnel maintaining high level of efficiency and quality despite the space constraints. Specifically, it focuses on the methods and phases used to extract the excavated material (muck) from the TBM and from the tunnel, to supply consumables, precast rings and backfill grout. The paper presents results in terms of productivity, lesson learned and possible alternatives to be considered in similar conditions.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3