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In situ experimental quantification of partic le velocitiesemittedby


N. Berthoz / A. Rallu

Vibrations generated during the excavation of an underground structure with a tunnel boring machine (TBM) can have a structural or vibro-acoustic impact. This problem, which is particularly prevalent in urban areas, is at the heart of concerns of all parties involved: owners, designers, contractors. This article summarizes few data available on this point in the literature, and completes them thanks to four experimental campaigns carried out in France in different geotechnical contexts. The results presented concern the maximum particle velocities inside the TBM, and on the surface at different distances from the working face. These measurements reveal particle velocities lower than 1mm/s, with a clear influence of the geotechnical context. These velocities are a priori too low to generate structural problems, but sufficient to potentially create a nuisance for local residents.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3