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Excavation of Unconsolidated Soil Considering Impact on Surrounding Ground

Excavation of Unconsolidated Soil Considering Impact on Surrounding Ground


Y. Suzuki / N. Yoshimura / T. Koshio

This report discusses tunneling in an unconsolidated shallow overburden ground with measuring displacement of support and ground. The mechanism of displacement is analyzed by measured data of final converged displacement. In this study, the concept of ‘initial displacement rate’ is defined to clarify plastic and elastic behavior of the ground. Based on this concept, effectiveness of auxiliary support is also discussed to select most appropriate fixation method for loosening ground. Measured data in this case shows that the tunnel is ‘codescending’ and final displacement value of the tunnel crown in the elastic ground is approximately 17 times of the initial displacement rate. On the other hand, displacement in the plastic ground had to be stopped by quick closing with primary invert concrete.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3