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Energy Savings in Road Tunnels. A Risk-Based Approach

Energy Savings in Road Tunnels. A Risk-Based Approach


A. Focaracci

Energy consumption in the operation of tunnels is an underestimated topic considering the high energy needs for this type of infrastructure. Energy savings in tunnels can be achieved through innovative design and management, above all, during the operation of ventilation and lighting. The best way to achieve immediate and effective benefits must be identified through a cost-benefit analysis and without compromising safety. The aim to ensuring the required level of safety can be obtained through a new layout of the SCADA system, able to perform a Dynamic Risk Analysis (SCADRA). SCADRA has been developed to operate in energy saving mode whenever possible ensuring at the same time the required level of safety for users through the implementation of operational measures in a Smart Tunnels in which advanced systems and sensors are installed.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3