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Electrical Resistance Measurements of Materials Relevant in Tunnelling to Detect

Electrical Resistance Measurements of Materials Relevant in Tunnelling to Detect


M. Thewes / B. Schoesser / S. Kube

In slurry shield tunnelling, knowledge of the existing support mechanism at the tunnel face is of great importance. So far, no precise statements can be made about the storage of bentonite particles in the soil structure of soft soil. Geoelectrics offers the possibility to create structural models of soils in real time by determining the electrical resistance of the soil. The electrical resistivity method has been used in many applications e.g. hydrogeology and oil/gas location. For the investigation of the phenomena occurring during the face support in slurry shield tunnelling, an experimental set-up was developed to investigate the electrical resistance of materials relevant in tunnelling. In a parameter study, the influence of the material on the electrical resistance at a constantly applied voltage was investigated. The water type, the solids contents of the bentonite suspension, the particle size distribution of the soils and mixtures of the materials were examined. It was shown that distinct electrical resistance classes are formed and statements can be made about each material and material mixture.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3