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Design and Construction of a Breakout Chamber for a Large Span Cavern in


C. Beirne / U. Pelz

ABSTRACT: Albert Street station is one of four new underground stations being built for Brisbane’s Cross River Rail (CRR). The rail station is part of the Tunnel & Stations Works (T&S) scope being delivered by the CBGU D&C JV* for CRR and comprises a 300m long, 24.5m wide, mined cavern for the station platform, with two station shafts and connecting adits. Access for the platform cavern excavation was provided via a 12m wide breakout chamber, constructed with 17m total ground cover, 7m of which is jointed rock directly above the crown, the rest being alluvium and superficial deposits. This paper describes design and construction of the access chamber and subsequent breakout for the platform cavern within challenging ground conditions in a sensitive, inner-city environment.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3