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Construction sites during Covid-19 time. Two experi ences in Turin (Italy).


G. Carrieri

ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic in Italy had its initial outbreaks end of January 2020. At the end of April 2021 4 million positive cases were recorded with 120,000 people died. As per governmental decision on the 22nd of March 2020, all the construction sites were closed and re-opened on the 16th of May 2020 applying norms against Covid-19 diffusion. The application of anti-Covid-19 norms in the Turin Metro Line1, Lingotto – Bengasi stretch construction demanded to overcome the difficulties arising from the simultaneous presence of many workers who perform different underground works (ground consolidations, installation of E&M systems, railway tracks, escalators and elevators, ventilation plants, and finishing works) in different contractual contests. In the case of the Connection Rebaudengo Station - Turin Caselle Airport Railway Line (new railway tunnel under Corso Grosseto in Turin) the construction difficulties due to applying the anti-Covid-19 norms were related to the simultaneous presence of workers at more than 15 workplaces (both on surface and underground) who had to share all the logistic-support facilities (like offices, dormitories, canteen, locker rooms, …) placed at a unique Base Camp. This paper describes the approach as well as the specific countermeasures successfully adopted to overcome the difficulties mentioned above.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3