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Analysis of the Squeezing Phenomenon and Rehabilitation of La Linea Tunnel


C. Marulanda / R. Gutiérrez

La Línea tunnel corresponds to one of the most important road tunnels in Colombia, 8.6 km long, 14 m of diameter, with high overburden in excess of 800m, built in a complex tectonic geological environment in the Andes. The presence of several geological faults, where the squeezing phenomenon predominated and was classified as highly severe, accompanied by time dependent behavior affected the support placed by the first contractor, producing displacements of up to 3 m. As a consequence, there was the need to analyze the excavation in detail, the initial support system, as well as the squeezing and time dependent behavior with the monitoring data. This allowed the review of the construction sequence, the need to change the support system to adopt measures to carry out the reprofiling process in order to reestablish the desired clearance. For this, flexible support elements were implemented, which were adapted to the response of the tunnel and the change of stresses on the support, as measures to re-potentiate the final lining and ensure the stability of this tunnel. Analysis, including finite element models calibrated with monitoring data, allowed the validation of the design hypotheses for the rehabilitation works of this tunnel.

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0,00 €

Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3