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An Owner’s Guide to Submerged Floating Tunnels


X. Xiang / A. Minoretti / T. E. Aasland / M. Eidem

A submerged floating tube bridge (SFTB), or generally called Submerged floating tunnel (SFT) has never been built. However, feasibility studies of different crossings around the world have been carried out in the past 40 years. The Norwegian Høgsfjord SFTB was a concept that had gone so far to the milestone of being technically approved by the national road authority in the last 90s. Recently, the extensive feasibility study of crossing some main Norwegian fjords have also pushed the engineering development on this concept to a new frontier. Combined with the aforementioned development and recent research results in this field by different institutions over the world, this Owner’s Guide is intended to give future owners the information they need, including terms and definitions, general requirements, design, construction, operation inspection and maintenance, in order to consider a Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT) as a realistic safe economic alternative to bridges and conventional tunnels for crossing waterways. The workgroup preparing for this guide includes representatives from the road authority, the industry contractors and research institutions. This paper will present the main contents of this guide in a brief way.

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Year 2022
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
ISBN 978-2-9701436-7-3