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The Effect of Rock Weathering on the Performance of an EPB TBM in a Complex Geology in Istanbul


N. Bilgin / S. Acun

New Istanbul Airport is being constructed over an old coal field area of 35 km away from the city center in a very complex geology creating several problems during tunnel construction. This paper summarizes the effect of weathering of a sandstone with different degrees of weathering (W1-W2, W3-4 and W5) on the performance of an EPB-TBM during the construction of Metro Tunnels for Istanbul third Airport. Specially the chainage between 7+900 and 7+200 was selected for analysis of the performance of TBM. where different degrees of weathering of a sandstone were encountered. It is noticed that EPB changed between 0.5 and 1.9 bars, TBM thrust between 6244 kN and 22534 kN, torque between 536 kNm and 3290 kNm, penetration between 4 mm/rev and 40 mm/rev and specific energy between 1.0 and 22.6 kwh/m3. Excessive disc consumption was also encountered during the excavation of transition zones, Within the chainages studied 47 disc cutters were changed. It is believed that the experienced gained will serve a basis for better scheduling the tunnelling activities in similar ground conditions.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia