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The Method of the "Underwater Concrete Slab" to Prevent Water Inflow in a Cut-And-Cover Tunnel


A. Antiga / A. Checchi / C. Gilbert

The Casalnuovo tunnel is a cut-and-cover tunnel of the High Speed Line Napoli-Bari. This tunnel will be excavated with a water table level higher than the bottom excavation level and so interventions to prevent water inflow into the excavation must be provided. In a stretch of about 150 m, the presence of some conflicts with other works makes the use of traditional solutions impossible and required the elaboration of an innovative peculiar solution. After the study of some possible alternatives a solution that involves the use of the method of the sacrificial underwater slab was chosen. In this paper we will analyse this construction methodology focusing specifically on some aspects to which we should pay attention if compared to the standard cases of cut-and-cover tunnels.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia