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Numerical Simulation Analysis on Piston Effect Induced by a Running Train in Subway Station


Y. Bai / H. Wang / L. Tao / X. Yan / Y. Zeng

Effective utilization of the piston wind induced by metro trains is a meaningful research point. A numerical methodology to simulate a train entering and leaving the subway station by using dynamic grid technique was proposed. The longitudinal distribution of piston wind in the tunnel space inside the station, the variation for the piston wind volume with train’s running states and the variations for the wind volume of vent shafts were analyzed. The result shows that the piston wind velocity in the tunnel space inside the station has little change with the longitudinal distance at the same time point, the maximum mean wind velocity is approximately 5.5 m/s. At uniform motion state and the early state of decelerated motion, the piston wind volume in the tunnel space increases significantly, and the maximum piston wind volume is approximately 125 m3/s. At the late state of decelerated motion and the stationary state, the piston wind volume in the tunnel space decreases significantly. At the accelerated motion state, the piston wind volume in the tunnel space increases, and its increase rate is gradually faster. The whole trend for the flow volume of vent shaft #1 was declined. At the states of uniform motion, decelerated motion and stationary, the variation for the flow volume of vent shaft #2 was similar to the piston wind volume in the tunnel space. The vent shaft #2 changed from exhaust to suction at the late state of the accelerated motion. The results provide a useful reference for effective utilization of piston wind in the subway station.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia